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Meeting – Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Chair – Marcia Lambert

Present:  Mary Ellen Halliwell, Sara Fiore, Jan Kendall, Sandra Power, Marcia Lambert, Bev Moustakis, Ellen Talkowsky, Judith Wolfe.  Absent: Amy Alpert

The minutes of the April 28, 2009 meeting were corrected to report that Delores Jordan would donate perennials from her garden to the plant sale.  The minutes were approved as amended.

Old Business

1.  Clean Sweeps – Ellen shared a “Thank you” card sent to the Committee by the Salem Recycling Committee.  All but one of the volunteer clean sweeps groups participated in the event.  The raffling of Clean Sweep tee shirts was very successful. It was agreed that Northside Carting Inc. did a good job and the availability of the dumpster for electronic waste was very helpful.

2.  Plant Sale –  Ellen distributed a report listing the plants that were available by type, noting the number available and the number sold.  As expected the home grown perennials were very successful.  It was felt that flats of annuals did better last year.  Ellen has written “Thank you” notes to all of the volunteers.  A discussion regarding future advertising, pricing, enlarging the event to a two day sale plus holding a fall plant sale followed.  

3.  Traffic Islands– Sandi and Ellen discussed efforts to contact and enlist more sponsors. Concerns regarding watering the islands which is scheduled to start June 8th were raised.  Sam noted that Home Depot will provide stones, plants, and cedar chips in order to create  more oval planted areas within the long traffic island strip on Washington Street.   

4. M.B.T.A. – Mary Ellen noted that she had the necessary permits to plant flowers and would use the funds left over from last season’s allocation for this project.  She reported that Tom Moran has donated the wagon he loaned to the Plant Sale event to the Committee.  The Committee is very grateful.  Mary Ellen is to check with him about the availability of larger plant urns to be used at the M.B.T.A. station.

6.  Newspaper Box Ordinance– Marcia reported that Jason Silva has updated the list of newspaper box vendors.  A numbering system has been developed.  

7.  Artist Row – Mary Ellen, Jan and Ellen met on the 5th to plan the project.  Plans were made to “walk” the row on June 3rd at 6 P.M. in order to make plant choices.  The goal is to do the planting on June 12th.which is the day Artist Row is to open.  Various members volunteered to assist with the project.  The artists are to be responsible for watering.  

8  Tree-mendous Event – Discussion was postponed until a future meeting.

9.  Smokers Receptacle – This project is cosponsored with Main Streets.  Ellen reported that flyers and press releases have gone out.  

10.  Other –
        a. Ellen advised that a local merchant had asked the city to plant some donated bushes but the city could not help out.  Marcia volunteered to investigate whether the Committee could be helpful in this regard.
        b. An island by Ziggies needs a sponsor as plants are dying.
        c.   Sandi needs a W9 form for Thompsons.  
        d. A Motion to allocate Committee funds sufficient to mulch Riley Plaza was proposed, seconded and passed.
New Business

1.  Committee Meeting Structure – discussion was initiated but not resolved.

Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Judith Wolfe

Next meeting – June 23, 2009
Chairperson – To be determined.